Envision Baltimore 2022

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The Alliance of Information and Referral Systems (AIRS) staff and Board invite you to attend the 44th annual AIRS In-Person Conference in Baltimore, Maryland October 17th, 18th, and 19th 2022.

The AIRS Conference is the Premier Event for providers of community navigation services from multiple sectors. If your organization helps connect people to community services, then this is the place for you to be. This package contains pre-recorded sessions from this event. 


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  • Contains 2 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Accreditation is a learning journey, but not all journeys are smooth. There can be highs and lows, and the end goal is improving the quality of I&R services. Sometimes throughout the process, agencies hit bumps in the road. Come to this presentation to learn about some common Criteria that trip agencies up while pursuing their Inform USA Accreditation and how to overcome them.

  • Contains 2 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This webinar is for those who are wondering how to use their I&R programs to advance Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) work within their organization or community. I&R data holds so much promise and can shape and contribute to DEI work in many ways. In this session will discuss the potential of the data being collected and present some techniques and tools to activate it.

  • Contains 2 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Disasters, emergencies, and crises are risks that can cost lives, money, or put an I&R agency out of business. learn how to create or update your Business Continuity Plan. Identify, evaluate and mitigate the risks to your agency so that you can continue to provide assistance to callers in need before, during, and after any disaster or crisis.

  • Contains 2 Component(s), Includes Credits

    According to the most recent traffic safety data released by NHTSA, individuals aged 65 and older make up 21% of all licensed drivers in 2020, 13% of drivers involved in fatal traffic crashes, and 17% of all traffic fatalities. Furthermore, the Clinical Guide to Assessing and Counseling Older Drivers indicates that due to age-related vulnerabilities, older drivers are more likely to be injured or killed in motor vehicle crashes. The US Census states that older adults are the fastest growing age group in the US population. As the number of older Americans continues to rise and the transportation community works towards a future with zero roadway fatalities and serious injuries, older drivers have access to traffic safety resources and information is increasingly important. The Clearinghouse for Older Road User Safety (ChORUS), funded by NHTSA, provides useful information help older drivers address traffic safety issues. During this session, learn about tools and resources available to ensure that you and those you serve and support are integrating older driver safety into ongoing programs and activities.

  • Contains 2 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Increasingly, Information, Referral, and Assistance programs are asked for answers to address transportation requests that meet the needs of older adults and individuals with disabilities. In cases where community transportation is inadequate, many I/R&A specialists are challenged with providing transportation options to their callers. When transportation options are available, consumers are challenged with not being able to find out about these options or who to call for information. A recent NADTC poll reported that there is rarely a single “go-to” source for transportation information, but often I&R/A specialists are heavily relied upon to provide the most up to date information about the mobility options available in their communities. This session is for I/R&A professionals who may be struggling to assist an increasing number of older adults and individuals with disabilities with finding transportation, who are challenged to identify community transportation resources, and/or who are not sure who in the community has transportation knowledge and can offer assistance. Attend this session to hear success stories from a local program that through mobility management and community engagement is helping connect older adults and people with disabilities to ride options and is discussing how mobility counseling and supportive services interface with both I&R/A and transportation providers.

  • Contains 2 Component(s), Includes Credits

    The ultimate purpose of the session is to share and expand upon tools and techniques for use in training and Quality Assurance Review of database entries (including the “Hot Topic” of “Writing Good Descriptions”). The session will also provide suggestions for ways to inject some levity in both training and QA (in areas of responsibility that can be as dry as the Sahara) while still accomplishing the serious and essential tasks of teaching AIRS Standards & the importance of Style Guide compliance, and the critical work of assessing extant records. The session will offer practical strategies and customizable multi-purpose tools for QA Review of database records, including a randomizer tool to select records for review. The presenter will share exercises and objective scoring rubrics that can be used both for training new staff and to judge the compliance of records with the local Style Guide and AIRS Standards. These items will be available “to go” for those interested in taking them home (as pets) to tinker with and (inflict upon...or) deploy in their organizations.

  • Contains 2 Component(s), Includes Credits

    In this presentation, we will demonstrate specific examples of situations where participants will integrate universal design concepts within all outreach and communication efforts. WHO: We’ll talk about content access needs along a spectrum of permanent, temporary, and situational disabilities. WHY: We’ll talk about the legal responsibilities of organizations identified by the Americans with Disabilities Act, Section 508, and the Accessible Canada Act. WHAT: We’ll talk about how organizations can make their content accessible in the development or adoption of Websites and Social Media, Documents and Referrals; Meetings and Presentations; Software. HOW: We’ll talk about resources and further trainings on addressing the accessibility needs of the previously identified content.

  • Contains 2 Component(s), Includes Credits

    This presentation will cover our specialized directories, and the collaborative process 211/LIFE LINE and the Latino Health Coalition had to arrive at the fields we collect. Additionally, this will cover the importance of implementing these simple changes to a 211’s validation process and how it positively impacts specialized directories. We will also discuss how this work has grown to include other communities through partnerships with healthcare organizations.

  • Contains 2 Component(s), Includes Credits

    Every workshop we have attended about difficult calls addresses the curation of those individuals we find difficult. However, with all the knowledge shared, difficult calls persist. This workshop will address the one component of the difficult call we can control - us. Accepting that there is no way to ensure difficult calls will never happen, this introspective look into how we view our work will empower us to be able to assertively address our behaviors, reactions, and emotions in a way that will mitigate the impact of difficult calls have on our agencies and us.

  • Contains 2 Component(s), Includes Credits

    "In April 2020, during the early wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, United Way Centraide Canada received funding from the federal Emergency Community Support Fund to help 211 partners meet surges in demand for service and to expand the 211 phone service to previously unserved areas across Canada. In a very short period, the 211 network was able to expand service coast to coast by leveraging the existing foundations of partnership, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing. While a national 211 Canadian Leadership Team, with representation from across Canada, had existed for many years, this expansion was a catalyst for the network in terms of leveraging local initiatives and lifting them for national impact, redefining the role of 211s and the act of information and referral during a societal crisis and using this momentum to consider how the definition, value, and impact of information and referral could, and should be expanded, amplified and transformed. Join this panel to hear and discuss with 211 partners about the importance of the foundations that were in place, how they were leveraged for new initiatives to be launched, implemented and sustained successfully, and what it means for the future of Information and Referral in Canada and across North America.